***There are no writing contests at this time, but when there are, I will have a link to it at the top of this page***
***Critiques not open yet***
In the future, I'll be offering first 500 word critiques for people writing YA. I'm not going to try and convince you why you should want me to critique your work since that's up to you, but I've critiqued and been critiqued hundreds of times before and with a few small short story/poem publications, I like to think that I know what I'm talking about. Also, I believe I can add a different perspective to your story, being the target audience and all.
The Rules:
- Critiques are my reward to the YA writers who are active on this blog, so you must be active to receive a critique (i.e. have commented genuinely a few times spread out, but please don't comment randomly all at once because you want a critique). If I don't recognize you from ever participating on this blog, I'll skip your email. Sorry.
- You must be comfortable with me posting your work on my blog and ripping it to shreds. I won't be mean for the sake of being mean in my critiques, but I'm 100% honest and will not sugar coat, so it may be a little rough. Please do not email me back saying I'm a heartless jerk and know nothing about anything. That will get your critique deleted and email blocked.
- If you send me your first 500 words, please make sure you genuinely want a critique and aren't just looking for a cheerleader.
- No queries, please. I am horrible at writing and critiquing queries (and I pretty much hate them in general), so I won't be of much use.
- I'll try to post every request that I receive if you are genuinely active on this blog, but it may take up to a month depending on how busy I am. I will post each critique anonymously unless you specifically tell me you want your name on it.
- I'm an unpublished, unagented writer. That doesn't mean I don't know anything, but I don't claim to be a professional at this and my opinions are my own. Others will disagree, so take everything with a grain of salt.
Thank you!